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Design’s Big Debates-Design Research Society’s 2014 -Umeå, Sweden, June 16-19.

“Design Research Society’s 2014 conference invites you to engage in discussions and debates on the future directions of design and design research. We welcome you to join us …”

“The main purpose of the DRS 2014 conference is to foster and support a shared design discourse. By focusing on key big issues in design, we want to create a forum where the questions that have the potential to change the way we think and do design – its philosophy, theory, practise, methodology, education, profession and history – will be discussed and debated.

To create this platform for discussions and debates we want to open up a wider set of possibilities for engaging and participating. Thus, the DRS 2014 conference will make use of multiple publication and presentation formats, including both established ones such as ‘papers’ and new ones such as ‘conversations’, each with its own submission and review process as set out below.  

Now is the time to begin asking yourself: ‘What do you think are the big debates in design?’ What would you like this exciting conversation to be like to really matter to you – and how will you contribute to make that happen?’

DRS 2014 is hosted by Umeå Institute of Design, Umeå University, Sweden. The conference week will give you an opportunity to experience the nightless nights and sunny days of the Swedish Midsummer, and the many cultural events of Umeå, Cultural Capital of Europe 2014.”

“Communiquer dans un monde de normes”

Du 7 au 9 mars 2012, se tiendra à Lille (dans les locaux de l’Ecole Nationale de la Protection Judiciaire de la Jeunesse (ENPJJ) à Roubaix.) le colloque international « Communiquer dans un Monde de Normes » (CMN).
Ce colloque co-organisé par l’Association Internationale de Communication (ICA), le Groupement d’Études et de Recherches en Information et Communication (GERIICO) et la Société Française des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication (SFSIC) s’inscrit dans le format des « regional conferences » de l’ICA. Programmée sur trois journées consécutives, cette première édition française vise à développer les relations scientifiques des chercheurs en information et communication représentés par l’ICA sur les cinq continents. Dans ce colloque, notre rapport aux normes (anthropologiques, technologiques, gestionnaires) sera discuté selon quatre principaux axes de questionnement et de problématisation :
Axe 1 : Approches communicationnelles de la norme dans les organisations
Axe 2 : Mondes visuels : quelles contributions des sciences de l’information et de la communication aux visual studies ?
Axe 3 : Nouveaux médias, nouveaux espaces publics ?
Axe 4 : Communication entre cultures : une autre mondialisation ?
Ces informations sont également disponibles :
– sur le site de la conférence :

– sur le site de la Sfsic :

Objectifs de la manifestation
Les attendus de ce colloque sont de :
– contribuer à l’expression internationale de la recherche en information et communication et au développement de partenariats ;
– confronter les positions scientifiques de chercheurs qui, opérant sur dans des cadres — géographiques, culturels, linguistiques, organisationnels, épistémologiques — distincts, ont en commun d’interroger les formes et processus communicationnels de régulation et/ou de normalisation (économique, sociale, technologique, culturelle, gestionnaire, etc.) en contexte de mondialisation.


Sophie Pène Professeur en SIC (sciences de l'information et de la communication) Université de Paris - CRI-Paris.

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Recherche en design – Journée Cumulus le 18 mai. Poster Doctorants et post doctorants

Brought to you by Cumulus Association


Call for Poster Session
Purpose of the present Call is building a visual map (and visual database) of the current design researches (PhD, post-Doctorate, research oriented postgraduate education etc.) in the different design areas developed within schools, universities and institutions related to DRS or members of the Cumulus Association.
It is a first important step towards a real, young, creative active networking among different research teams of different institutions and different countries.
Even though the Poster Session takes place during the 1st International Symposium for Design Education Researchers in Paris organised by DRS, it is not necessary for participants to link the content of the poster to education in Design. Nevertheless it will be useful where relevant to underline how your research is fundamental for the future of education in design, for design education.
This mapping will enable the design community to understand the present “panorama” of the youngest researches in various design fields. A starting point for meshing, entangling or entwining ideas, curiosities, and questionings .
To support design research is one of the main goals of DRS; to facilitate the dialogue is one of the primary activities of Cumulus. An active intensive seminar in form of poster session with the involvement of researchers and experts of different countries, will try to offer a first joint contribution to these two important goals.
The Poster has to be developed following the format provided (see the template on symposium’s website).

Deadline for submitting the posters: 8th of April
Review: 11th-15th of April including selection (max. 25 A3 format posters will be accepted) and/or suggestion The review of posters will be carried out by the Milano Design PhD Board, prof. Luisa Collina, POLIMI on behalf of Cumulus Association, and a member of DRS SIG on Design Pedagogy
Poster Session: 18th of May 9.00-18.00 The activity will be coordinated by Luisa Collina and Alessandro Biamonti, Anne Schoonbrodt (Politecnico di Milano) and it will be organized in the following 3 steps:
Poster preview_Before the start of the Seminar all the accepted posters will be available on the web. All the participants are invited to read the posters before taking part to the two days seminar in order to give feedbacks and comments.
PhD Walking _ Posters would be hanged on the walls, as a kind of colourful landscape or path crossing the different design thematic areas recognisable by colours. All participants will be asked to use post-it in order to add notes, info, suggestions, questions to the participants.
Poster2Poster Review_ Discussions, organized by Thematic Areas. Participants are invited, in Thematic corners, for presenting and discussing Posters Proposals. Thematic corner will be organized according with the spaces. The idea is to assure to each thematic area a “facilitator” of exchange of opinions able to facilitate a sort of “peer to peer” review by the participants.
9.00 – 9.30 poster session kick-off, morning round 16.10 – 17.00 poster session discussion, afternoon round – Plus the posters will be available during the day.
General comment:
The idea is to try to combine an academic mechanism of review with a more open and social mechanism of networking activity and informal discussion.

Contact Anne SCHOONBRODT – – +390223997261


Sophie Pène Professeur en SIC (sciences de l'information et de la communication) Université de Paris - CRI-Paris.

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la date de soumission des communications pour le Colloque Ludovia 2011 est le lundi 4 avril
Ludovia développe cette année la thématique “Mobilités numériques”.

Le Colloque est ouvert aux approches pluridisciplinaires concernant la création d’applications numériques et tant aux chercheurs confirmés qu’aux doctorants.
Vous trouverez toutes informations utiles sur le site du colloque :

et vous pouvez obtenir tout renseignement complémentaire par mail :


Sophie Pène Professeur en SIC (sciences de l'information et de la communication) Université de Paris - CRI-Paris.

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How Can Design Research serve Industry? Appel à communication

DPPI 11 – Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces
How Can Design Research serve Industry?
Design visions, tools and knowledge for industry

Important dates:
15th September 2010 – Call opens
30th January 2011 – Call closes
22nd June 2011- Conference starts
25th June 2011 – Conference ends
> CALL – In these days a mantra for companies and institutions seems to be, almost mandatorily, the need to become design-oriented, in order to increase their capability to build value, generate innovation and increase market shares as well as profits. This mantra, more often than not, comes with another one: design innovation is putting the user at the center of the project. Research on pleasurable products and interfaces is playing an important role in this debate elaborating and formalizing new knowledge on people (end users, value co-producers, etc.) and their needs, expectations, beliefs, values, desires; and suggesting the possibility to exploit user centered design in sectors and markets that are not commonly thought as being inherent its field of research. This has produced a significant amount of knowledge, mainly through vast experimentation, whereas less has been said on how to integrate this knowledge in industry. Apparently there is a disconnection between research on user centered design and pleasurability, and design practices inside industry, especially in SMEs contexts. Given these premises, it would be very interesting to investigate how this research can be integrated into industry, and to discuss it in relation to other approaches to design innovation.
> TRACKS – Participants are encouraged to submit proposals that focus on (1).Innovative ways to explore, (2). Industries engaging users in design, (3).Modes and aesthetics of interaction, (4).Design culture and thinking in industry, (5).Organizing design in industry, (6).Service Design and interactions.

> DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM – Invites participants to work through aesthetic issues in their on-going doctoral work. Participants are expected to write a short position paper about their research, and prepare a 15-minute presentation, focusing on explaining their research, how aesthetics figures in their thinking and how they plan to work with aesthetics.
> For further information please visit:
> Contact Details
> Local Committee DPPI 11
> INDACO Department – Politecnico di Milano


Sophie Pène Professeur en SIC (sciences de l'information et de la communication) Université de Paris - CRI-Paris.

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Appel à contributions : “les petites mains de la société de l’information”

Appel à contribution de la Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances

Les petites mains de la société de l’information
Dossier coordonné par Jérôme Denis et David Pontille
Ce dossier de la Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances vise à prendre le contre-pied d’une conception de la société de l’information exclusivement focalisée sur les réseaux de télécommunications et la soi-disant “dématérialisation” des échanges. Il propose de rompre avec l’effet de transparence que crée l’image d’une société immatérielle, où les informations émergeraient et circuleraient naturellement. L’enjeu est de mettre en lumière l’épaisseur des infrastructures informationnelles au sein desquelles se fabriquent quotidiennement les données, documents et autres dossiers qui peuplent notre monde. Les articles attendus devront insister à la fois sur le travail que cette fabrication implique en coulisses et sur la matérialité des supports de circulation des informations.

Suite sur le site de la revue :


Sophie Pène Professeur en SIC (sciences de l'information et de la communication) Université de Paris - CRI-Paris.

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